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Bücher und Buchkapitel
Moore sind wie Menschen, nur nasser
Katapult Verlag, 176 S.
Das Moor
Über eine faszinierende Welt zwischen Wasser und Land und warum sie für unser Klima so wichtig ist. dtv, München. 256 S.
Moor muss nass
Wiedervernässung vorantreiben, Torfabbau verhindern. In: Wigandt, K. (ed.) <em>3 Grad mehr – Ein Blick in die drohende Heißzeit und wie uns die Natur helfen kann, sie zu verhindern</em>. Oekom Verlag, S. 209-232. ISBN: 978-3-96238-369-5 Link
Deutschlands Moore
Ihr Schicksal in unserer Kulturlandschaft. Natur+Text, Rangsdorf. 544 Seiten.
ISBN 978-3-942062-41-1 Link
In Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices, pp. 185-195. FAO. Link
Restoration of peatlands
In Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices, pp. 174-183. FAO. Link
Rewetting – give peat a chance
In Chemnitz, C.; Benning, R.; Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung; Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (eds.), Meat Atlas 2021, pp. 28-29. Link
Fleischatlas: Daten und Fakten über Tiere als Nahrungsmittel
Moore. In Chemnitz, C.; Benning, R.; Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung; Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (eds.), pp. 28-29. ISBN 978-3-86928-224-4 Link
Die Vernutzung der Moore Deutschlands und ihre klimatischen Folgen
(Version 1. Auflage). In Warnsignal Klima: Boden & Landnutzung (pp. 125–135). Hamburg: Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen in Kooperation mit GEO Magazin. Link
Klimaschonende, biodiversitätsfördernde Bewirtschaftung von Niedermoorböden
BfN, Bonn. 342 S. ISBN 978-3-89624-377-5 Link
Hot spots and bright spots of soil organic carbon
In Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices, pp. 55-64. FAO. Link
Conservation of pristine peatlands and avoiding drainage of peatlands
In Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices, pp. 166-173. FAO. Link
Biomass from reeds as a substitute for peat in energy production in Lida region, Grodno oblast, Belarus
In Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices, pp. 213-219. FAO. Link
Evaluierung von Moor-Wiedervernässung in Deutschland
In Scherfose, V. (eds.), Erfolgskontrollen im Naturschutz, 171, pp. 121-148. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn. ISBN 978-3-7843-4071-5
Sphagnum farming for replacing peat as horticultural growing media, Lower Saxony, Germany
In Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices, 6, pp. 220-229. FAO. Link
Innovation, ethics and our common futures: a collaborative philosophy
Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA. 193 p. ISBN 978-1-78990-453-6 Link
Peatland Science and Conservation: Contributions of the Greifswald Mire Centre, Germany
In Mueller, L.; Eulenstein, F. (eds.), Current Trends in Landscape Research, pp. 611-629. Springer International Publishing, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-30068-5 978-3-030-30069-2 Link
The Sphagnum species of the world
Bibliotheca Botanica Bd. 162. Berlin, Stuttgart. 435 S.
Vegetationsgeschichtliche und moorkundliche Untersuchungen in der Niederlausitz, Brandenburg
In Jahns, S.; Hanik, S. (eds.), Untersuchungen zu Lebensbedingungen, Siedlungsdynamik und menschlicher Ernährungsweise mittelalterlicher ländlicher Siedlungen in Brandenburg, Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg 23
Pollenanalysen an Sedimenten aus dem Rangsdorfer See
zur Rekonstruktion der Vegetations- und Siedlungsgeschichte im Umfeld der Glienicker Platte mit einer hohen zeitlichen Auflösung der mittleren Bronze- bis frühen römischen Kaiserzeit (ca. 1500 BC – 200 AD). In Brumlich, M. (eds.), Frühe Eisenverhüttung bei Glienick. Siedlungs- und wirtschaftsarchäologische Forschungen zur vorrömischen Eisen- und römischen Kaiserzeit in Brandenburg, Berliner Archäologische Forschungen17, pp. 629-651. VML, Rahden/Westf Link
Economic incentives for climate smart agriculture on peatlands in the EU
Proceedings of the Greifswald Mire Centre 01/2018 (Selbstverlag, ISSN 2627-910X), 38 S.
Comprehending the arctic ice-wedge polygon mire landscape using short-distance high resolution palaeoecological research
In Sychev, V. G.; Mueller, L. (eds.), Novel methods and results of landscape research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Landscapes in the 21th century: status analyses, basic processes and research concepts, 1, RAAS Pryanishnikov All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry, Moscow
Smoke on water. Countering global threats from peatland loss and degradation.
A Rapid Response Assessment. UN Environment / GRID Arendal, 72 S. Link
Mires and peatlands of Europe
Azerbaijan. In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), pp. 266-281. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Peatland use in Europe
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 151-172. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Introduction Part II
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 233-236. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Mire and peatland conservation in Europe
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 173-196. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Mire diversity in Europe: mire and peatland types
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, p.p 5-64. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Mire and peatland terms and definitions in Europe
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 65-96. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Mires and peatlands of Europe
Status, distribution and conservation. Schweitzerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart. 780 p. ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Mire diversity in Europe: mire regionality
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 97-149. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Introuction Part I
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 3-4. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.) Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 403-412. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6
In Joosten, H.; Tanneberger, F.; Moen, A. (eds.), Mires and peatlands of Europe, pp. 523-535. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65383-6 Link
Landtechnik für nasse Moore
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 64-70. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
>Agricultural machinery for wet areas
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 64-70. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Ecosystem services, degradation and restoration of peat swamps in the South East Asian tropics
In Bonn, A.; Allott, T.; Evans, M.; Joosten, H.; Stoneman, R. (eds.), Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 253-288. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
Valuing peatland ecosystem services
In Bonn, A.; Allott, T.; Evans, M.; Joosten, H.; Stoneman, R. (eds.), Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 314-338. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8
Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: Science, policy and practice
Cambridge University Press/ British Ecological Society, Cambridge, 493 p.
Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: nature-based solutions for societal goals
In Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 402-417. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: an introduction
In Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 1-16. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
Ökosystemdienstleistungen von Mooren
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 13-20. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Ecosystem services of peatlands
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 13-20. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 119. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Economic aspects of paludiculture on the farm level
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 109-116. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte von Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp.109-116. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 119. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Paludiculture: sustainable productive use of wet and rewetted peatlands
In Bonn, A.; Allott, T.; Evans, M.; Joosten, H.; Stoneman, R. (eds.), Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 339-357. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
Belarus – Biomass from rewetted peatlands as a substitute for peat and for promoting biodiversity
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 205-206. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN
Belarus (Weißrussland) – Niedermoor-Biomasse als Torfersatz und Förderung der Biodiversität
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 205-206. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Logistik der Biomasseproduktion auf nassen Mooren
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 70-76. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Logistics of biomass production on wet peatlands
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 70-76. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
The feasibility of biomass harvest from paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 76-77. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Realisierbarkeit der Ernte von Biomasse aus Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 76-77. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 171-173. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Transfer of knowledge
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, , pp. 171-173. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Potential areas in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 180-182. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Flächenkulisse in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 180-182. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Technical measures for implementing paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 188-191. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Kulturtechnische Maßnahmen für die Umsetzung von Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 188-191. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN
The way out of the desert – What needs to be done
In Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 229-233. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Paludikultur als integrative Systemlösung
In Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 1-2. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Paludikultur - Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore - Klimaschutz - Biodiversität - regionale Wertschöpfung
272 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Paludiculture as an inclusive solution
In Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 1-2. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Paludiculture - productive use of wet peatlands - Climate protection - biodiversity - regional economic benefits
272 pages. ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Der Weg aus der Wüste – Lösungen
In Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 229-233. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Trafficability of wet and rewetted fens
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 59-63. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart
Befahrbarkeit nasser und wiedervernässter Niedermoore
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 59-63. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Germany – Rewetting and paludiculture in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 204-205. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Deutschland – Wiedervernässung und Paludikultur in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 204-205. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Akzeptanz und Implementierung auf der Erzeugerebene
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 168-171. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Acceptance and implementation at the producer level
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 168-171. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Zertifizierung von Biomasse aus Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 120-131. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
>Certification of biomass from paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 120-131. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Kritische Inhaltsstoffe von Festbrennstoffen aus Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 49-50. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Critical components of solid biofuels from paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 49-50. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Promising plants for paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 22-38. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Ausgewählte Paludikulturen
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 22-38. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2Link
Wissenstransfer – Bedeutung von Netzwerken und lokalen Kooperationen
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 173. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
The importance of networks and local cooperation for knowledge transfer
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 173. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
The global potential and perspectives for paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 200-203. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Das globale Potential und Perspektiven für Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 200-203. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Cultivation of Round-leaved Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia L.)
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 39. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Anbau von Rundblättrigem Sonnentau (Drosera rotundifolia L.)
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 39. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Environmental impacts – Terrestrial ecosystems
In Quante, M.; Colijn, F. (eds.), North Sea region climate change assessment, Regional climate studies, pp. 341-372. Springer Verlag, Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London
International carbon policies as a new driver for peatland restoration
In Bonn, A.; Allott, T.; Evans, M.; Joosten, H.; Stoneman, R. (eds.), Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 291-313. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
Peatlands across the globe
In Bonn, A.; Allott, T.; Evans, M.; Joosten, H.; Stoneman, R. (eds.), Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, p 17-43. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
Globale Anforderungen und internationale Verpflichtungen
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 198-199. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN
Global demands and international commitments
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 198-199. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Changing paradigms in the history of tropical peatland research
In Osaki, M.; Tsuji, N. (eds.), Tropical peatland ecosystems, pp. 33-48. Springer, Tokyo, DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-55681-7_2 Link
Nahrungsmittel und Medizinalpflanzen aus Paludikultur
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 38-39. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Edible and medical plants from paludiculture
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture - productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 38-39. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 179-181. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Availability of suitable areas
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 179-181. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 79-93. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Greenhouse gas emissions
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 79-93. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Polen – Paludikultur für Biodiversitäts-und Moorschutz
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 207-208. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Poland – Paludiculture for biodiversity and peatland protection
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 207-208. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Indonesien – Paludikultur als nachhaltige Landnutzung
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 217-223. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Indonesia – Paludiculture as sustainable land use
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 217-223. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Flächenrecherche für einen Paludikultur-Pilotbetrieb in Brandenburg
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludikultur – Bewirtschaftung nasser Moore, pp. 182-184. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65282-2 Link
Finding a paludiculture pilot area in the German Federal State of Brandenburg
In Wichtmann, W.; Schröder, C.; Joosten, H. (eds.), Paludiculture – productive use of wet peatlands, pp. 182-184. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65283-9 Link
Soil carbon, a critical natural resource – long-term goals, short-term actions
In Banwart, S. A.; Noellemeyer, E.; Milne, E. (eds.), Soil carbon: science, management, and policy for multiple benefits, SCOPE series volume 71, p 10-25. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK ; Boston, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-78064-532-2 Link
From potential to implementation: an innovation framework to realise the benefits of soil carbon
In Banwart, S. A.; Noellemeyer, E.; Milne, E. (eds.), Soil carbon: science, management, and policy for multiple benefits, SCOPE series volume 71, p 47-59. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK ; Boston, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-78064-532-2 Link
Current soil carbon loss and land degradation globally – where are the hotspots and why there?
In Banwart, S. A.; Noellemeyer, E.; Milne, E. (eds.), Soil carbon: science, management, and policy for multiple benefits, SCOPE series volume 71, p 224-234. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK ; Boston, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-78064-532-2 Link
The global challenge for soil carbon
In Banwart, S. A.; Noellemeyer, E.; Milne, E. (eds.), Soil carbon: science, management, and policy for multiple benefits, SCOPE series volume 71, pp. 1-9. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK ; Boston, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-78064-532-2 Link
Executive Summary
In Banwart, S. A.; Noellemeyer, E.; Milne, E. (eds.), Soil carbon: science, management, and policy for multiple benefits, SCOPE series volume 71, pp. xxi-xxvii. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK ; Boston, MA, USA, ISBN 978-1-78064-532-2
Managing Soil Carbon in Europe: paludicultures as a new perspective for peatlands
In Banwart, S. A.; Noellemeyer, E.; Milne, E. (eds.), Soil Carbon: Science, Management and Policy for Multiple Benefits, pp. 297-306. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK ; Boston, MA, USA
Klimaschutz durch Wiedervernässung von kohlenstoffreichen Böden
In Naturkapital Deutschland - TEEB DE. Naturkapital und Klimapolitik - Synergien und Konflikte, pp. 124-147. Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, Berlin, Leipzig, ISBN 978-3-944280-15-8 Link
Peatland Use in Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania: Monetization of the Ecosystem Service Climate Protection
In Grunewald, K.; Bastian, O. (eds.), Ecosystem services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies, pp. 273-280. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-662-44143-5 Link
Dynamiken des Wandels in peripheren ländlichen Räumen und ihre Implikationen für die Daseinsvorsorge
In Dünkel, F.; Herbst, M.; Schlegel, T. (eds.), Think Rural! , pp. 215-231. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3-658-03930-1
Added value and climate protection - Utilisation of biomass from rewetted peatlands in Germany
In IUCN UK - Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating Success, pp. 22-23. IUCN, Edinburgh
Wetland in a dry land: Harvesting reed for pulp and paper production at Wuliangsuhai Lake, Inner Mongolia
In IUCN UK - Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating Success. IUCN, Edinburgh Link
Wetland Energy - Sustainable use of wet peatlands in Belarus
In IUCN UK - Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating Success, pp. 32-33. IUCN, Edinburgh, ISBN
Sphagnum Farming - Paludiculture on degraded bogs in Germany
In IUCN UK - Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating Success, pp. 22-23. IUCN, Edinburgh
Sphagnum farming for replacing peat in horticultural substrates
In Towards climate-responsible peatlands management 9, Mitigation of climate change in agriculture Series, pp. 80-83. FAO, Rome, ISBN 978-92-5-108547-9 Link
Managing wet fens for biodiversity - Using peatland biomass for fuel at Biebrza
In IUCN UK - Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating Success, pp. 26-27. IUCN, Edinburgh
Poverty alleviation and climate protection - Cultivating non-timber forest products in Indonesia
In IUCN UK - Global Peatland Restoration demonstrating Success (eds. Cris, R., Buckmaster, S., Bain, C. & Reed, M.), pp. 46-47. Edinburgh, ISBN 978-0-9570572-3-4 Link
Paludikultur – Moore nachhaltig nutzen
Die Rolle von Paludikulturen für das Klima. In Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur (eds.), Energielandschaften: Geschichte und Zukunft der Landnutzung, DGGL-Jahrbuch 2013, pp. 93-98. Callwey, München, ISBN 978-3-7667-2023-8
Ecosystem services of peatlands of the Ruoergai Plateau
In Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (eds.), Climate-smart agriculture sourcebook. pp. 68-69. FAO, s.l., ISBN 978-92-5-107720-7
Restoration of mires
In van Andel, J.; Aronson, J. (eds.), Restoration Ecology. The new frontier, pp. 203-213. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, DOI 10.1002/9781118223130.ch16 Link
Humic acid quality: The influence of peat formation variables
In Xu, J.; Wu, J.; He, Y. (eds.), Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment, pp. 1123-1128. Springer, New York, ISBN 978-94-007-5633-5 Link
Restoration of high altitude peatlands on the Ruoergai Plateau (Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China)
In Bonn, A.; Allott, T.; Evans, M.; Joosten, H.; Stoneman, R. (eds.), Peatland restoration and ecosystem services: science, policy, and practice, Ecological reviews, pp. 234-252. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 978-1-107-02518-9 978-1-107-61970-8 Link
In Tapio-Biström, Marja-Liisa; Joosten, Hans; Tol, Susanna (eds.), Peatlands: guidance for climate change mitigation through conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use, Mitigation of climate change in agriculture series5, pp. 9-20. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : Wetlands International, Rome, ISBN 978-92-5-107302-5 Link
Turbalik ve Turba Nedir?
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 37-55. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Turbalik Tipleri
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 57-107. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 15-35. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Turbaliklarin Dünyadaki Genel Dagilimi
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 160-174. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Dünyada Turbaliklarin Dagilimi
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 203-219. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Turbaliklarin Tahribi, Korunmasi ve Restorasyonu
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 258-297. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Turbaliklarin Restorasyonu
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 407-449. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Turbaliklarin Tahribi ve Korunmasi
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 389-405. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Turbaliklar ve Iklim Degisikligi
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 208-229. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
Karbon Deposu Olarak Turbaliklar ve Iklim Degisikligi
In Çolak, A. H.; Günay, T. (eds.), Turbaliklar (Mire / Peatland - Moore), pp. 279-297. T.C. Orman ve Su Isleri Bakanligi Bati Karadeniz Ormancilik Arastirma Enstitüsü, Istanbul, ISBN 978-605-393-115-7
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 184-187. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 174-177. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 172-174. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Scarbinski Moch
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 177-181. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 170-172. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 181-184. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Site selection and rewetting actions
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 137-141. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Target and indicator species
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 77-81. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Peatland rewetting and biodiversity management
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 69-70. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Biodiversity actions
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 145-147. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Land use options for rewetted peatlands
In Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 107-113. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6
Biomass use for raw material
In Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 113-115. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Benefits from land use on rewetted peatlands
In Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 128-132. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Capacity building
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 152-154. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Restoring Aquatic Warbler breeding sites
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 69-70. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Recommended research activities
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 189-193. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Recommended monitoring activities
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 193-195. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Relationship between peatland condition and biodiversity values
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 68-77. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Portrait of the Aquatic Warbler
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 63-64. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Peatlands and greenhouse gases
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 13-19. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
What are mires and peatlands?
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, p. 4. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
The global peatland CO2 picture
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 20-30. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Sensitising global conventions for climate change mitigation by peatlands
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 90-94. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Selling peatland rewetting on the compliance carbon market
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 99-105. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Policy Actions
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 147-149. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Sphagum as a renewable resource
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 109. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Vegetation as a proxy for greenhouse gas fluxes – the GEST approach
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, pp. 37-42. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Experiences from rewetted sites in Belarus – Chernobyl zone
In Tanneberger, F.; Wichtmann, W. (eds.), Carbon credits from peatland rewetting: Climate, biodiversity, land use, p. 72. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-510-65271-6 Link
Peatlands and People
In Parish, F.; Sirin, A.; Charman, D.; Joosten, H.; Minayeva, T.; Silvius, M. (eds.), Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change, pp. 20-38. Global Environment Centre / Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur / Wageningen
What are peatlands?
In Parish, F.; Sirin, A.; Charman, D.; Joosten, H.; Minayeva, T.; Silvius, M. (eds.), ´Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change, pp. 8-19. Global Environment Centre / Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur / Wageningen
Peatlands and Biodiversity
In Parish, F.; Sirin, A.; Charman, D.; Joosten, H.; Minayeva, T.; Silvius, M. (eds.), Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change, pp. 60-98. Global Environment Centre / Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur / Wageningen
Management of peatlands for biodiversity and climate change
In Parish, F.; Sirin, A.; Charman, D.; Joosten, H.; Minayeva, T.; Silvius, M. (eds.), Assessment on peatlands, biodiversity and climate change, pp. 155-179. Global Environment Centre / Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur / Wageningen
Alternative management options for degraded fens: utilisation of biomass from rewetted peatlands
In Okruszko, T.; Maltby, E.; Szatylowicz, J.; Swiatek, D.; Kotowski, W. (eds.), Wetlands: Monitoring, Modeling and Management, p 273-279. Taylor & Francis/Balkema, Leiden, DOI:10.13140/2.1.3635.4565 Link
Wise use of mires and peatlands - Background and principles including a framework for decision-making
International Mire Conservation Group / International Peat Society, 304 p.
C.A. Weber and the Raised Bog of Augstumal - with a translation of the 1902 monograph by Weber on the "Vegetation and Development of the Raised Bog of Augstumal in the Memel delta
International Mire Conservation Group / PPE "Grif & K", Tula, 278 pp.
Peat moss (Sphagnum) as a renewable resource - an alternative to Sphagnum peat in horticulture
In Schmilewski, G.; Rochefort, L. (eds.), Peat in horticulture. Quality and environmental challenges, pp. 117-125. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä
Landschaftsökologische Moorkunde
2. Auflage. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 622 p.
Peat as a renewable resource: the road to paludiculture
In Malterer, T.; Johnson, K.; Stewart, J. (eds.), Peatland Restoration & Reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations, pp. 56-63. International Peat Society, Jyskä
Moore in der Landschaft
Entstehung, Haushalt, Lebewelt, Verbreitung, Nutzung und Erhaltung der Moore.
Harri Deutsch. 268 Seiten. ISBN 978-3871449543 Link