RRR2017 - Excursions
For all participants different guided field trips were organized on Tuesday September 26th 2017. Destinations included rewetted peatland sites and examples for biomass processing in northern Germany.
Day trips

Vegetation, greenhouse gas balance and biomass use on rewetted peatlands near Malchin (1)
Guides: Dr. Wendelin Wichtmann & Christian Schröder
(+ local guides/farmers)
Highlights: Vegetation types and the greenhouse gas emission site type (GEST) approach in polder Randow-Rustow, boat trip on Peene river, mown rewetted peatland sites near lake Kummerower See, rare wetland plants favoured by mowing, the pioneering paludi-biomass heating plant in Malchin.

Land use history, mowing machinery and biomass use for building material at Peene river mouth (2)
Guides: Dr. Franziska Tanneberger & Tobias Dahms
(+ local guides/farmers)
Highlights: Harvesting machinery for reed cutting (tracked vehicles, vehicles with balloon tyres), harvesting sites for thatch, drained peatland used as grassland, large formerly drained peatland flooded and abandoned after dike break, cormorant colony and white-tailed sea eagles, tourist house insulated with cattail and thatched with reed, boat trip, light tractors for mowing wet peatlands, weaving loom for the production of mats from reed.

Peatland rewetting, land use and birds in Lower Peene river valley (3)
Guides: Dr. Nina Seifert & Dr. Cosima Tegetmeyer
(+ local guides/farmers)
Highlights: Natur park visitor centre in Stolpe, land use history, implementation of a large-scale peatland restoration project and designation of new nature reserves in 20,000 ha, breeding and migrating birds on flooded former polders near Anklam, organic farming and local marketing along the river valley, large-scale compensation project on peatland restoration and low-intensity grazing with horses and cattle, motor mower with ultra-wide cutter bars used for conservation management.

Peatland research on mown and grazed rewetted peatland in Recknitz and Trebel river valleys and on Darss peninsula (4)
Guides: Anke Nordt & Andreas Haberl
(+ local guides/farmers)
Highlights: Study sites of the major research project on matter dynamics in rewetted peatlands of Greifswald and Rostock universities (funded under the regional excellence initiative), sites rewetted c. 15 years ago in a LIFE project, sites managed and monitored for biodiversity conservation, site-adapted mowing equipment, grazing sites with water buffalos on Darss peninsula, large flocks of migrating cranes.

Paludiculture on rewetted bogs near Oldenburg (5)
Guides: Matthias Krebs
(+ local guides/farmers)
Highlights: Sphagnum farming site, sundew cultivation and use opportunities for medicine or food, land use opportunities on bog grassland, peat extraction site, horticultural trials.
Half Day Trip

Paludiculture plants and salt meadows near Greifswald (6)
Guides: Susanne Abel, Claudia Oehmke and John Couwenberg
Highlights: Paludiculture plants in the Botanical garden of Greifswald University; excursion to salt meadows “Karrendorfer Wiesen”, study site of the large research project on matter dynamics in rewetted peatlands of Greifswald and Rostock universities, rewetted coastal flood peatland.