GMC on PSC Freising

Overview of our contributions

10/09/2024 From 18th-21st September 2024, the Peatland Science Centre at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences invites you to the International Peatland Science Conference (iPSC). Numerous GMC members are participating with presentations and posters. Here is an overview of them:

Thursday, 19th September
14:45 Mehr als ein Papiertiger: Paludikultur-Pilotprojekte in der Papierherstellung – Clemens Kleinspehn

14.45 Microbial community development during and after rewetting a coastal peatland - Sara E. Anthony

15:00 Paludiculture can support biodiversity conservation in rewetted fen peatlands – Hanna R. Martens

15:30 Sphagnum paludiculture sites as surrogate habitats for bog species of many species groups – results of long-term investigation in Northwest Germany – Dr. Greta Gaudig

Friday, 20th September
8:30 Opening with environmental Art “MoorReaktor” - MONAS collective in cooperation with GMC

13:20 Keynote People make Peatlands – practical projects and political processes towards peatland rewetting - Prof. Dr. Gerald Jurasinski:

15:30 Water Management for Spaghnum and Typha Paludiculture – Matthias Krebs

16:00 Bright spots in peatland conservation and restoration Renske Vroom

16:00 Putting Paludicultur into practice – six years of large scale Typha cultivation in Northeast Germany – Josephine Neubert

16:15 Peat formation potential of Typha spp. On a Paludiculture pilot site – Meline Brendel

16:30 PEATMAP: Prototyp model for the study of peatland and swob distribution, ecology and carbon dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula lanscaoe mosaic - Miguel Geraldes

16:30 Paludiculture and biomass quality of cattail on a 10 ha Paludiculture Pilot site in Northeast Germany – Nora Köhn

Dr Franziska Tanneberger, GMC co-director and winner of the German Environmental Award 2024, is a member of the Scientific Committee. The conference will take place at the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) campus in Freising. Please find further information in the detailed programme booklet.

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